Dr. Peter Carl
Dr.rer.nat. Dipl.-Phys.
IAMARIS, Berlin Office
Task in the WISDOM Project
- Research Associate in WP 4000 / A 4120 (SEDICLIM)
Working areas
- Climate modelling and Earth-system simulation
- Signal analysis and sparse representation of time series
- Search for synchronous motions in the climate system
- Dynamic structure of the planetary-scale monsoon system
Scientific / professional career
- 2009 – present: Senior Research Associate
IAMARIS, Berlin, Germany
- 2000 – 2009: Research Fellow, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany
- 1997 – 2005: Research Associate at Max-Planck Institutes
(a.o. MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg), Germany
- 1992 – 1999: Head of Climate Dynamics Group/Project at
Research Association Berlin
- 1993 – 1996: Research Associate at Inst. of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
- 1984 – 1991: Climate research (“nuclear winter” initiative) at Academy of Sciences, Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 2093 46627 |
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