Gert-Jan Wilbers
United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) Environmental Vulnerability & Energy Security Section
Tasks in the WISDOM project
- Work package WP 4000
- Risk assessment of drinking water quality for nutrients, salinity and microbial contamination (WP 4000)
Working areas
- Water quality monitoring
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Risk maps
Scientific / Professional career
- 2/2011 – present PhD scholar at UNU-EHS / INRES, Bonn (Germany)
- 1/2010 - 1/2011Air quality and external safety specialist at municipality of Veghel (the Netherlands)
- 10/2007 – 12/2009 Environmental advisor at provincial government of Gelderland (the Netherlands)
- 8/2004 – 10/2007 Environmental Sciences (Ma degree), specialization water quality. Thesis: effects climate change on physical/chemical water quality in local catchment areas, Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands)
- 8/2000 – 6/2004 Environmental Technologies (Ba degree), specialization civil environmental technologies. Thesis: testing and validation of a hydrologic model, HAS den Bosch (the Netherlands)

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