Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bruno Merz
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) / Department 5 Geoengineering
Tasks in the WISDOM project
- WP 4110 Flood and drought analysis
- WP 4210 Remote sensing and ground data for hydraulic model calibration
Working areas
- Hydrological Modelling
- Flood risk analysis
- Disaster management;
- Monitoring and Simulation of hydrological processes
Scientific / Professional career
- 9/2007 - present Director Department 5 Geoengineering, GFZ Potsdam
- 10/2006 Profesor for Engineering Hydrology and Management of Georisks (joint professorship of University Potsdam and German Research Center for Geoscience Potsdam)
- 07/2002 - present Head of section 5.4 Engineering Hydrology, GFZ Potsdam
- 04/1997 - present Scientist, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany
- 10/96 - 03/00 Secretary of Scientific Advisory Board, German IDNDR-Committee for Disaster Reduction
- 04/1990 - 03/1997 Consultant/Scientist, Institute for Hydrology and Water Resources Planning, University Karlsruhe, Germany
- 10/1988 - 03/1990 Research scholarship, Chair of River Engineering, University Kyoto, Japan
- 10/2005 Habilitation in Hydrology and Water Resources Management, University Potsdam, thesis: Flood risk analysis: Methods, limits and possibilities
- 06/1996 Doctoral degree in Civil Engineering, University Karlsruhe, Germany; Thesis: Modelling the rainfall runoff process in small catchments under consideration of natural variability
- 10/1982 - 10/1988 Diploma in Civil Engineering (specialisation in water resources management), University Karlsruhe, Germany

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