Dr. Thomas Heege
EOMAP GmbH & Co.KG (Earth Observation and Mapping)
Tasks in the wisdom project
- WP 4320 Mapping of water quality and dissemination paths
- WP 6210 Water mask
- WP 6230 Inundation time series
- WP 6240 Monitoring of water constituents
- WP 6250 Multi sensor data fusion
Working areas
- Management
- Development of physics based processing systems
- Multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing of aquatic systems, Image processing
Scientific / Professional career
- 2006 - present Managing director of EOMAP GmbH & Co.KG, Gilching, Germany: Earth Observation and Mapping
- 1996 - 2006 Research scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen: Processing system development and project management
- 2002 – 2005 Research scientist at the Technical University of Munich (Limnological Station): Processing system development and project coordination
- 2000 PhD thesis at DLR Oberpfaffenhofen and Free University of Berlin: 'Airborne remote sensing of water constituents at Lake Constance'
- 1995 Research scientist at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich (Geographical Institute): Analysis of satellite data of Lake Constance, organisation of ground truth campaigns
- 1994 Research scientist at the the University of Konstanz (Limnological Institute): Measurement and modelling of bio-optical parameters for the calculation of the aquatic primary production
- 1993 Diploma in Physics (Univ. of Kiel and Konstanz), Diploma thesis 'Modelling the spectral light conditions in Lake Constance' (Inst. of Experimental Physics Konstanz and Inst. of Environmental Physics Heidelberg)

Mail:heege (at) eomap.de Phone: +49 8105 370 778 0
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