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José Miguel Delgado successfully defended his PhD thesis at the University of Potsdam, June 10th, 2013

On Monday June 10th José Miguel Delgado successfully defended his Dissertation entitled "Explaining change in flood hazard in the Mekong river - the hypothesis of nonstationary variance" at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Potsdam. In his work José analysed the flood regime of the Mekong river and detected significant changes in variance of the annual floods. This changing variance could be linked to the variance of the North-West Pacific monsoon. This linkage enabled the estimation of flood frequency distributions directly from Global Circulation Models (GCM) thus opening the perspective of direct estimation of future flood probabilities from climate scenarios. His work and defense was awarded with magna cum laude. José's work was supervised and supported by the Section 5.4 Hydrology of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience in Potsdam, Germany. Supervisors of the Dissertation Prof. Bruno Merz and Prof. Axel Bronstert of the University of Potsdam, technical supervisor war Dr. Heiko Apel from GFZ.


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